
StratiTek offers a complete portfolio of strategic business solutions. With an eye on the big picture and a finger on the food/beverage industry pulse, we work with leadership teams to develop a targeted vision that drives profitability. From identifying emerging trends, securing intellectual property or highlighting new claims to enhance marketing campaigns, our strategic solutions will pinpoint and strengthen your competitive edge.

Our Strategic Services Include: 

• Sales Team Support 

• Intellectual Property Generation 

• Research & Identify Emerging Trends 

• Productivity and Cost-saving Initiatives 

• Statistical Support 

• Quality Systems & Troubleshooting 

• Regulatory and Nutrition Label Support 

• Outsourcing Solutions 

• R&D Staff Training & Development



In today’s fast-paced global food industry, staying on the leading edge of change is more critical than ever before. As a leading R&D solutions provider across a wide variety of products, StratiTek not only drives projects from concept to completion, we also teach the latest scientific advances and product development essentials, and empower you with the tools to thrive.   StratiTek’s R&D training programs feature:

• Basic to Breakthrough Technologies 

StratiTek offers training programs covering a variety of topics. From food science fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies, we lead targeted trainings on a range of topics such as ingredient applications, key systems, processes, safety and more. 

• Customized Education 

StratiTek’s training programs are fully customizable with the intention to address your team’s specific needs. Trainings are conducted on-site at your facility or at our headquarters in New Jersey. For added convenience and flexibility, some components are also available via web conference. 

• WithINnovation™ 

As reputable innovators with a deep technical foundation, we teach you how to lead your own innovations using our exclusive WithINnovation™ program. Our practical strategies serve as an effective augmentation to your existing R&D team.